Our 2019 Annual Show and Plant Sale was held at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive Boylston, MA. 01505. The Show Co-Chairs are Phyllis Savage and Ruth Cameron.
Friday September 21st from 12Noon-4PM we will be accepting and registering plants to be entered in our judged show. There is no charge, and you are not required to be a member, to enter Gesneriad plants in the juried show. Plants need to be picked up on Sunday at 4PM. Please download and fill out the entry form found below and email Entries prior to the show if you can, by sending them to Ruth Cameron at: [email protected] Our Show was judged on Saturday, from 8:30AM to 12 Noon, and open to the public from 12Noon-5PM.
Plant Showand Sale ran Saturday, September 21, 2019 12Noon-5 PM andSunday, September 22nd 10 AM-4 PM
To download an ENTRY FORM in .DOCx editable format click the download file link below: