Gesneriads (pronounced either "guess-NARE-ee-ads" or "jez NARE-ee-ads") are colorful houseplants grown for their distinct flowers and foliage.
The gesneriad family contains over 3,400 species of plants. Perhaps the best-known member of the gesneriad family is the African Violet. Most gesneriads are from tropical and subtropical regions and are often found growing in humus-filled depressions or rock crevices, on humus-covered forest floors or epiphytically on tree branches. There is a wide variety of plant sizes, shapes, flowers and colors. This is a plant family of great diversity. Many of the easiest and most satisfying house plants are gesneriads. In addition to the African Violet (Saintpaulia), some of the more common gesneriads grown by hobbyists are: Common Name (Botanical Name) Florist Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa) Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus) Goldfish Plant (Nematanthus) Cape Primrose (Streptocarpus) Flame Violet (Episcia) Cupid's Bower (Achimenes) |