Special AwardsDIVISION I - HORTICULTURE SECTION A - New World Gesneriads in Flower - Tuberous Class 6 Other Sinningia hybrids Exhibitor: Rosemarie Rigoli Plant Entry: Sinningia ‘Apricot Dream’ Score 97 Award: Best in Section, Runner-up Best in Show
SECTION B - New World Gesneriads in Flower – Rhizomatous Class 8 Achimenes, xAchimenantha Exhibitor: Darrin Norton Plant Entry: Achimenes pedunculata Score 92 Award: Best in Section
Class 10 Seemannia, xGloximannia Exhibitor: Darrin Norton Plant Entry: Seemannia nematanthodes ‘Evita’ Score 92 Award: Best Species
SECTION C - New World Gesneriads in Flower - Fibrous-Rooted
Class 19 Other fibrous-rooted gesneriads Exhibitor: Bob Stewart Plant Entry: Bellonia spinosa Score 92 Award: Best in Section
SECTION D - Old World Gesneriads in Flower Class 24 Primulina hybrids Exhibitor: Betsy Szymczak Plant Entry: Primulina dryas ‘Naine Argente’ Score 96 Award: Best in Show, Best in Section
SECTION E - Gesneriads Grown for Ornamental Qualities Other Than Flowers Class 39 Other New World gesneriads, species or hybrids Exhibitor: Gloria Utzig Plant Entry: Pearcea hypocyrtiflora Score 96 Award: Best in Section
SECTION G - Lesser-Known Gesneriads Seldom Grown or Seen in Shows Class 46 Not in flower Exhibitor: Bob Stewart Plant Entry: Drymonia decora Score 97 Award: Best in Section
DIVISION II – ARTISTIC Continents Section K - Arrangements of Fresh-Cut, Dried, and/or Growing Gesneriad Material Class 55 Europe—Ramonda, Haberlea—niche size 8”H x 8” W x 8” D Exhibitor: Marica Kilpatrick Score 94 Award: Runner-up Best in Artistic
Class 59 Asia --Smithiantha, Microchirita staged on a white pedestal with a 14” square top, no taller than 12” Exhibitor: Marica Kilpatrick Score 94 Award: Best in Artistic
SECTION N – Photography Class 67 Color print of a whole gesneriad plant Exhibitor: Marica Kilpatrick Score 98 Award: Best in Arts